Couple gnarly slabs of vinyl and tape flew in through the front door this week, and they're all releases from some garage rock faves and some new finds.
***NOTE: I have no idea why there are a few large gaps between some of these posts. Anyone have any clue why this is? It looks fine in the preview but comes out weird when I publish. HELP!***
BILLY BAO "Fuck Seperation" 10" (S-S Records)

Billy Bao fled from Nigeria, landed in Bilboa (Basque Spain) and employed thnastiest punk rock drummer and guitarists he could get his hands on. Since then Billy Bao has released a few 7"s, a full length on Parts Unknown (came out earlier this year) and this 10" of 2 punishing tracks. Actually, this pretty much acts as one long track that features that exact same riff pummeled over the listener's head for almost 20 minutes. This is very reminiscent of the endurance test that was the
Cadaver In Drag full length, which I enjoyed immensely last year.
White silk screened cover on a thick, white card stock all on white vinyl. Perfectly captures the white-hot rage of the music within. A man on a serious mission. You better pay attention.
S-S pressed 600 and there are 40 left.
Buy it
HEREMeanwhile, download some OOP 7"s
Bilbo's Incinerator 7"BLANK DOGS "On Two Sides" LP (Troubleman)

Spun this one a couple times at work before giving it a home. It took a few listens to really nail this one, but once you do, it sticks like hot gum in yr hair. Kind of reminds me of those Devo demos that Eno heard before he went down to Ohio to produce the shit out of them. Also brings to mind just about any of the 80s DIY groups featured on the impeccable
Messthetics label, which all makes sense once you check out the band's
blog. It seems as if at least one member of the band has an obsession with seeking out little known DIY groups from the 80s and ripping them to their blog. The influences are riding pretty high on their sleeves, but no particular group is overtly sticking out. Every time this got played in the store, everyone had their own opinion of what it sounded like. My ears hear early Flying Nun, the astral pop of
John Maus and the bouncy end of Joy Division. It's great to hear groups pick up on this side of the 1980s rather than the god-awful electro/disco end of the spectrum, which has permeated dance music for years now.
This was originally released as a tape on the excellent
Woodsist/Fuck It Tapes label.
The band has saved me the time and uploaded the album to their blog. Get it
HEREIn addition, here are links to downloads of their early 7"s.
The First Two Weeks 7"
Doorbell Fire 7"
Yellow Mice Sleep 7"NAKED ON THE VAGUE "Blood Pressure Sessions" LP (Siltbreeze)

Hard one to pin-down from this newest release by Siltbreeze. This is a duo from Australia that conjure up some hypno-darkness with a dirty organ, untuned drum and a busted up, creeky bass . I managed to catch these folks play at Pub 340 a month ago and the live show was fantastic. Short, sharp stabs of synth, lumbering bass and Lucy Phelan's "doom poetry" (she played both Organ and drum) made for a particularly haunting night. Listening to the record comes close to the dark psychedelia of that night.
DOWNLOAD HERESIC ALPS "Fool's Mag" Cassette (Folding)

Managed to scoop up two of these from
AQ before they all got snagged, and i'm glad I did because I just watched this fucker get flipped on ebay for $20. Funny thing is, it looks like you can still get copies from the
Folding website. Anyways, these four songs were recorded live at
WFMU late last year. These are mostly songs that have been issued in some form or another in the last two years and show the band in fine form. The tracks are pretty muddy for the most part but they do show the band's unique garage-pop sensibilities that have had critics and fans wagging their tongues for the last year and a half. Nab one quick before they be gone!
Since I don't have the capabilities to put my tapes into mp3 files (yet!), I have uploaded a copy of their OOP LP
Description of the Harbor for your listening pleasure.Also,
Animal Disguise is re-issuing all of their early tapes, 7"s and the Harbor LP in one
convenient CD. This will be limited to 1000 copies. Act fast.
DESCRIPTION OF THE HARBOR---> DownloadA.H. KRAKEN "s/t" LP w/CD (In The Red)

French garagesters unleash some sloppy but catchy tunage on their debut for In The Red. Pretty typical group for ITR--barely audible vocals (all in French!), manic and fuzzy guitar work, and all of it underproduced for maximum cochlea scraping. Gotta love the cover with what looks like the little sister of a band member, wearing a Slipknot t-shirt and holding a rifle. How very, uh, French!
DOWNLOAD HEREFACTUMS "The Sistrum" LP w/7" (Sacred Bones)

Next up is the newest full length from Factums, whom you remember from my 2007 best of list, right? This beast is much subtler than it's aggro, slashed speaker predecessor. In fact, you probably wouldn't be able to guess that this was ever the same band. Blown out guitars and heavily distorted vocals have been replaced by hypnotic, trebly guitar lines and barely there vocals. Most of the record actually reminds me of the quieter moments of early Chrome. There is also an accompanying seven inch--first side, first track is more of that entrancing guitar with manipulated vocals. The second track is a 60 second punker more reminiscent of their earlier work. The second side of the 7" is the best track in the whole package. A short, surfy guitar line with some garbled and aggressive vocals laid out over top. It's good to see that these kids can still get aggressive when they want to. Great package on this one, folks. Silk-screened cover, bonus 7" and two creepy lock grooves at the end of both sides of the LP. You can nab this fucker
here and
DOWNLOAD HEREHOSPITALS "Hairdryer Peace" LP (Self-released)

Now we have the newest full length by a personal favorite in the over-the-top garage rock category,
The Hospitals. I was expecting a bit of the same ol' with this new one. You know, screaming, violent vocals, neanderthal drum beats, spastic riffs all topped off with some feedback drenched production. Not this time. Ok, the hissy production is there, but the boys are going for a larger approach. Full on psychedelic passages sit side-by-side with some syrupy riffage and hammering, meaty drum beats. The album sold out within weeks from their website but you may be able to get a copy from some of the fine distributors listed at the bottom of this here blog. Easily the best thing these kids have ever put to wax.
I'll let Scott Simmons describe this for you in better, grittier detail...
"Doesn't really matter whether you loved or hated The Hospitals before, cuz this is some year zero shit. This is the most psychedelic fucking record in a long time and there are no rainbows - no feather earrings - no beards. Mixed for maximum hallucinations, it has the stoned riffs of a killer rock record, totally cracked pop, pure headfuck, but more than anything else just an all around perfect album. It's Chief Hospital Adam Stonehouse with oringal Hospital co-founder/shredder Rod Meyer and Rob Enbom from Eat Skull and Chris Gunn from an island off the coast of the future. Sounds nothing like any bands or anything else.. Seriously, if a better record comes out this year, next year, whenever.... I promise. Edition of 500. Don't be an asshole." - Scott Simmons
Yikes! Just looked this up on ebay in the completed listings and it just changed hands for $50 US. Luckily, ya'll can get it free
here.That's it for now. Music Waste picks tomorrow!